Learn More About Us
Redeemer Church exists to spread the joy of Jesus in Union City and beyond.
“At Redeemer Church, we treasure the gospel, obey God’s Word, live in community, pray expectantly, worship joyously, serve Christ, each other, and our neighbors, and give kingdom-mindedly.”
We Treasure the Gospel
The gospel is the good news that God has made peace with humanity through the incarnation of our Lord Jesus Christ. He lived a perfect life, died a sacrificial and atoning death, rose victoriously from the dead, and ascended into Heaven where he reigns until all enemies are put under his feet. The gospel frees us from the curse of sin and frees us to be truly human in the way that God intended.

We Obey God's Word
The Scriptures are God’s revelation for humanity and are to be studied, treasured, and obeyed. They are sufficient for life and godliness and are our ultimate authority. As we grow as disciples of Christ, we will grow in our desire and ability to obey his commands and follow his teachings.
We Live in Community
The Church is the family of God. As Christians we are to live in community with one another, bear one another’s burdens, and encourage one another to love and good works. We share a partnership in the gospel wherein we seek to live out the fruit of the Spirit and use our spiritual gifts to build each other up and declare the good news to the world.

We Pray Expectantly
Jesu taught his disciples to pray and to pray expectantly. We long to be a church that unites in praise, cries out in confession, and intercedes for each other before the throne of God. We pray corporately and privately and expect that God hears our prayers and responds according to his good and perfect will.
We Worship Joyously
Because God is most beautiful and most holy we delight to bring him praise. We take our joy in God seriously. Our gathered worship liturgy is the pattern and foundation for our private and family worship of the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit to who is worthy of all adoration.

We Serve Christ, Each Other, & Our Neighbors
Good works are the natural outflow of a life devoted to Christ. Our good works do not earn us God’s favor but reflect the grace that has been given to us. We seek to serve our fellow believers and our neighbors who may not yet know of God’s awesome goodness.
We Give Kingdom-Mindedly
God has freely given us all things and so we are free to share with others. Our cup overflows. We share generously of our gifts and resources with our church family, we support other churches both locally and globally, and we pursue acts of mercy to those in our community. We want to see the joy of God’s kingdom spread. Above all, we are ambassadors of King of Kings, Jesus Christ, and our citizenship is in Heaven. The resources of people, properties, and possessions are given to us in stewardship, so that the Good News that God has redeemed the world to himself through Jesus Christ might be enjoyed by all. The Bay Area is the least churched region in America, but we long to see God’s name proclaimed not only in Fremont and San Jose, but throughout the Bay Area and from the Bay Area to the World.

Who We Are
We’re a loving community of believers preaching Christ’s message of hope to the island of Guam.
Our Values
The core values of any church reflect who they are and what they believe
We want to spread a passion for the glories of Christ’s Gospel. The Gospel is the beginning, middle, and end of all ministry. This centrality of the Gospel is what makes every believer able to contribute powerfully to the lives of others.
When we become believers in Christ, God places us into a new community, His church. We believe that Christian growth happens best in smaller groups where believers can care for one another and “do life” together.
Guam is a uniquely diverse and multicultural island. Our members implement Christ’s Great Commission to go and make believers by fully engaging the cultures here, living with and serving the people of Guam as an example of salt and light in the world.
Our Partnerships
Redeemer Church is an autonomous local church in affiliation with the Pacific Church Network. A local church needs other local churches to carry out the mission which Christ has entrusted to all churches, and is therefore partnered with other Gospel believing churches on the island through the Guam Ministerial Association.