A Place to Be Human
Hear the good news of Jesus Christ, find community, and live out the gospel in the culture at Redeemer Church.
Get to Know
Redeemer Church
Join our loving community of believers preaching Christ's message of hope to Union City!
Preaching Christ
At Redeemer, we aim to preach the gospel of Jesus Christ and reach Union City with His message of hope and renewal.
Growing Community
We believe discipleship happens in deeper relationships within smaller groups in the context of community.
Welcoming to All
We benefit from a beautiful and serene setting overlooking the bay area. This provides the backdrop for a loving and welcoming congregation who encourage all to come as you are.
Immersing in Culture
Redeemer provides a place for people of different ethnicities and cultures to share in the kingdom work of Jesus Christ.
Connect at Redeemer
Discover how you can get involved and grow here at Redeemer Church.
Gathered Worship
The weekly gathering on the Lord's Day as God's people to worship in song, learn from his Word, celebrate around the Table, and be sent out on mission, is foundational to our life as a church.
Church Community
God's design for the church is for it be a community of believers pursing Christ together. While the Sunday worship gathering is the foundation of our fellowship together, authentic community requires deeper levels of relationship.
Church Calendar
You can keep up with all the gatherings and events at Redeemer Church in the Church Center app and on the church calendar on the Church Life page.
Meet the Leadership
Our pastors love the Lord, the Word of God, and the community in and around Redeemer Church.

The best place to start?
Join us on Sunday
Here's a brief description of our Sunday service
Services are at 10:30 AM (904 H St, Union City, CA) and last about 1 hr 30 min. We have parking onsite for your convenience.
We look forward to meeting your family! We provide a Redeemer Kids class for children—from newborn to 1ST Grade.
Our music is scripturally based and doctrinally sound while being accessible to the contemporary worshiper. The songs we sing reflect the breadth of the biblical worship from sorrowful lament to joyful praise, but all them are about the truth of God’s gospel.
Most of our teaching is a verse by verse exposition of God’s Word, with application to our lives as Christians living in the world.
We follow the ancient church calendar for our worship liturgy and celebrate the Lord’s Table every Sunday.